1 Definitions
1.1 The following capitalised terms in these Conditions shall have the following meaning:
a) “Supplier” means Unipex Solutions France SAS, located Tour Franklin 100-101 Quartier Boieldieu, 92080 Paris La Défense Cedex, France, and identified with the RCS of Nanterre under number 410 532 196 ;
b) “Conditions” means these general terms and conditions of sale;
c) “Customer” means the company which is buying the Products from Supplier;
d) "Agreement" means any contract or agreement between Supplier and Customer for the sale by Supplier and the purchase by Customer of the Products. The Agreement shall include these Conditions and any attachments to it or documents mentioned therein;
e) “Parties” means Supplier and Customer collectively;
f) “Products” means the products or goods sold by Supplier, as specified in the Agreement;
g) “Working Days” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in France.
2 Applicability and offers
2.1 These Conditions shall apply to all offers, quotations, deliveries, activities, and Agreements, all in the broadest sense of the word, in which Supplier acts as seller or supplier, to the exclusion of any other terms or conditions, whether put forward by Customer or whether implied by trade, custom, practice, course of dealing or by law. By placing an order, Customer irrevocably relinquishes its conditions of purchase. Supplier explicitly rejects the applicability of such conditions of purchase.
2.2 These Conditions shall apply between Customer and the relevant Supplier entity or entities as specified in the Agreement.
2.3 The prices set out in “price indication” and “offer” or similar documents issued by Supplier are non-binding and are valid for the period specified in such document. If no period of validity is specified, prices provided by Supplier in quotations or otherwise are valid for 14 days from the date of issue. All prices indicated are subject to change in the event of any unavoidable increase in import duties or taxes, import costs, supply chain costs or the costs of goods.
2.4 Customer’s order shall be deemed to be an irrevocable offer to enter into an Agreement based on the Conditions. An obligation of Supplier to supply the Products shall only come into existence if and to the extent an order has been confirmed in writing by Supplier or, in the absence thereof, if Supplier completes delivery of the order in whole or in part. Supplier shall be under no obligation to accept any order and the acceptance by Supplier of any order may be subject to Supplier approving Customer’s creditworthiness.
2.5 Any modification of an order asked by Customer shall be taken into account by Supplier, if possible and at its sole discretion, only if (i) notified within 10 calendar days of the date of the order and (ii) if Customer has duly sent to Supplier a modified order. If such modified order is accepted, the price of the Products to be supplied shall be adapted accordingly.
3 Prices and payment
3.1 Prices quoted by Supplier are exclusive of VAT and any other taxes and are based on delivery in accordance with the agreed Incoterm.
3.2 Unless explicitly agreed in the Agreement that prices are fixed (by using the term “fixed” or a similar term), Supplier shall be entitled to pass on to Customer, by a corresponding adjustment of the selling price, any increase in its purchase prices, import duties, taxes, currency and exchange rates, and any and all other circumstances increasing the cost price of the Products, arising after the conclusion of an Agreement. In case of a material increase, Supplier shall have the right to dissolve the Agreement.
3.3 Payment shall be made, without any right to set-off or withhold, within 30 days after the invoice date and in euros. Customer is in default by operation of law after the expiry of this period. In such case, without any prior notice of default being required, Customer shall be due to Supplier a yearly interest of the Euribor (provided that if the Euribor is negative it shall be deemed zero) plus 8%, calculated from the day on which the payment was due up to and including the day of final payment. Yearly interest shall never be inferior to 3 times the legal interest rate according to article L441-10 of the French commercial code.
3.4 Payment shall be made by wire transfer.
3.5 In deviation from the agreed payment term, Supplier reserves the right to deliver “Cash On Delivery” or demand advance payment in which event Customer is obliged thereto, if in Supplier’s opinion such way of payment is required considering the financial position of Customer. This shall be the case if, among other things, Customer does not strictly meet its obligations to Supplier or any other supplier or if any of Customer’s assets are attached.
3.6 In the event of no payment or late payment by Customer, Customer shall pay to Supplier (without any prior formal notice i.e. “mise en demeure”) collection costs of 15% of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of EUR 40, as well as the costs of litigation (including any reasonable advisors’ fees).
4 Delivery and retention of title
4.1 Supplier shall deliver the Products CIP (Incoterms 2020). Stated delivery terms are indicative and cannot be considered as a strict deadline. Supplier shall do reasonable efforts to respect agreed delivery terms, however, exceeding these terms with less than (i) 20 Working Days if the Products originate from within Europe or (ii) 30 Working Days if the Products originate from outside Europe, or (iii) delays which are not attributable to Supplier shall not be considered a default and do not give right to compensation of loss or damage suffered by Customer or by third parties. For delays in delivery of more than the before mentioned number of Working Days which are attributable to Supplier, Supplier’s liability for loss or damage is at all times limited to a maximum of 2.5% of the order value of the delayed Products and is subject to clause 6. Delays shall not give Customer the right to dissolution of the Agreement.
4.2 Si le Client ne prend pas livraison des Produits, le Fournisseur peut les stocker aux risques et pour le compte du Client.
4.3 Le Fournisseur se réserve le droit de s’écarter de 5 % (à la hausse ou à la baisse) de la quantité convenue de Produits à livrer et, dans ce cas, la quantité effectivement livrée sera facturée. Les produits peuvent être livrés et facturés en plusieurs fois.
4.4 Le Fournisseur conserve la propriété de tous les Produits qu’il a livrés au Client. La propriété des Produits n’est transférée au Client que lorsqu’il a rempli toutes ses obligations de paiement en vertu d’une Convention ou de toute autre convention avec le Fournisseur, y compris ce que le Client peut devoir en raison de son incapacité à remplir ses obligations en vertu de ces Conventions. Indépendamment de cette réserve de propriété, le risque sur les Produits livrés sera supporté par le Client à partir du moment de la livraison. Jusqu’à ce que la propriété des Produits soit transférée au Client, le Fournisseur est autorisé à traiter, utiliser et/ou vendre les Produits dans le cadre normal de ses activités.
4.5 Si le Client ne respecte pas ses obligations de paiement envers le Fournisseur ou si le Fournisseur a de bonnes raisons de craindre qu’il soit en défaut, le Fournisseur a le droit de reprendre les Produits dont il a conservé la propriété. Lorsque le Fournisseur invoque sa réserve de propriété, le Client permettra au Fournisseur de pénétrer dans les lieux où se trouvent les Produits retenus.
4.6 Le Client informera immédiatement le Fournisseur si une saisie a été pratiquée sur les Produits et notifiera immédiatement au créancier de la saisie le fait que le Fournisseur est propriétaire des Produits saisis.
5 Warranties and notice of defects
5.1 Customer assumes all risks and liability for (i) results obtained by the use of the Products, whether used as delivered or in combination with other products; (ii) ensuring that the Products are fit for the purpose(s) and applications for which Customer intends to use them and are of adequate quality in relation to such use (whether in, or in conjunction with other products, or on their own); (iii) the truthfulness and accuracy of Customer’s marketing and advertising of any product of Customer into which the Products were incorporated; (iv) obtaining governmental health, safety, environmental or other approvals for utilization of the Products; (v) ensuring that the Products (and Customer’s processing, use or sale of them or goods incorporating or made from them) comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the territories in which Customer processes, uses or sells the Products or goods incorporating them; and (vi) for any loss or damage resulting from the handling, use or misuse by Customer of the Products.
5.2 Customer declares that it is aware of the qualities of the Products supplied to it and of all legal regulations relating to the Products to which it is bound. In the storage, resale, transportation, processing and other use of and all further acts involving the Products, Customer shall strictly observe the relevant legal regulations and Supplier’s instructions, if any, with respect thereto.
5.3 Supplier warrants that the Products at the moment of delivery are not damaged and shall materially be in conformity with any written specifications provided by Supplier. Supplier makes no other warranty of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, concerning the Products, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of fitness for purpose or merchantability or the results to be derived from the use of the Products. Warranty extending statutory provisions are explicitly excluded unless and to the extent such provisions are of a mandatory nature. [] Customer shall not be entitled to assert claims for defects if there is only a minor deviation from the specification and/or a minor impairment of usability.
5.4 Upon receipt, Customer shall forthwith inspect the Products for apparent defects or deficiencies. Defects or deficiencies (in quality/quantity) discovered during such inspection shall immediately, and in any case within three (3) Working Days after receipt, be notified to Supplier. In addition, Customer shall carefully test all Products before processing, use, or selling the Products and within two (2) months after receipt of the Products at the latest. If a defect is discovered, Customer shall notify Supplier within three (3) Working Days after discovery. Defects that were not and could not be discovered by careful testing of the Products shall be notified to Supplier within three (3) Working Days after discovery but no later than four (4) months after receipt of the Products.
5.5 All notifications shall be done in writing and shall include all relevant details. If a claim has not been notified to Supplier in conformity with or failing compliance with the obligations in this clause 5, the Products shall be deemed accepted and Supplier shall have no liability with respect to any (alleged) non-conformity.
5.6 If a defect in the Products is discovered, Customer shall not process, use or sell the Products. If a claim submitted in conformity with clause 5 is justified, Supplier shall:
5.6.1 at its sole discretion either (i) repair the defect or failure in the Products, (ii) replace the Products with Products which are in conformity with the Agreement or (iii) issue a credit note to Customer in respect of the whole or part of the price of such Products and take back the relevant Products; or
5.6.2 in case of defects that were not discovered by careful testing of the Products and that were discovered after the Products have been processed, compensate Customer’s loss and damage, subject to clause 6.
Performance of any of the above options shall constitute the sole remedy of Supplier’s liability under this warranty. No claim shall entitle Customer to dissolution or suspension of the Agreement.
5.7 Any unfounded return of Products shall be for the account and at the risk of Customer. Returns will be permitted only with Supplier’s prior written consent.
5.8 In case a defect is the consequence of a failure in Customer’s compliance with the maintenance instructions, and/or natural wear and tear in view of their material substance, and/or a result of processing by Customer or a third party, Supplier shall not be liable.
6 Liability
6.1 Supplier’s liability for whatever cause is limited to reasonable loss and damage that are a direct consequence of the damage causing event and to a maximum aggregate amount of two times the net invoice value, excluding VAT, of the disputed Products, per event or series of events having the same cause, with a maximum of 500,000 euro in aggregate during the term of the Agreement. If and to the extent a third party is liable to Supplier for any claim of Customer against Supplier, any limitation of such third party’s liability, enforceable between that third party and Supplier, shall also apply between Supplier and Customer.
6.2 Supplier’s liability for whatever cause, for immaterial loss or damage, penalties, environmental damage, damage as a result of Customer’s liability towards third parties over and above the limits of liability of Supplier contained in these Conditions, indirect, and/or consequential loss or damage (including without limitation, loss of revenue or profits, loss of goodwill, contract or clientele, loss of anticipated savings), is explicitly excluded.
6.3 Notwithstanding clause 5, all possible legal claims by Customer, with regard to the alleged liability of Supplier, expire if Supplier is not notified thereof within four (4) months after delivery of the Products and/or if Customer did not start legal proceedings against Supplier within one (1) year after delivery.
6.4 Nothing in these Conditions shall limit or exclude Supplier's liability for (i) intent or conscious recklessness of Supplier or its senior management, (ii) fraud, (iii) death or personal injury caused by Supplier or (iv) any other matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for Supplier to exclude or restrict its liability.
7 Default and dissolution
7.1 If Customer does not (properly or timely) fulfil any of its obligations towards Supplier, it shall be in default and Supplier shall be entitled, without any notice of default being required, to either suspend or dissolve the Agreement and any other agreements not yet completed, without prejudice to Supplier’s further rights arising from any Agreement and/or the applicable law.
7.2 In the event of a (request for) bankruptcy or suspension of payments of a Party to its creditors, the other Party is entitled to dissolve the Agreement with immediate effect without any compensation. In the event Supplier is unable, after good faith efforts, to obtain Products for Customer, upon prior written notice, Supplier shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect.
8 Force majeure
8 Force majeure
8.1 In case of Force Majeure on Supplier’s part, Supplier may either (i) dissolve the Agreement or (ii) suspend the performance of the Agreement until the Force Majeure has ended, both (i) and (ii) in whole or in part and without Supplier being liable for any loss or damage caused by the dissolution or suspension. If Supplier can only make partial delivery as a consequence of Force Majeure, it shall be entitled to do so. “Force Majeure” shall mean circumstances which are of such a nature that the execution of an Agreement becomes impossible or excessively onerous and/or disproportionately costly so that fulfilment of the Agreement can no longer reasonably or cannot be immediately required from Supplier. Force Majeure will in any case include - without limitation – the following: any strike, lock-out, fire, extreme weather circumstances, pandemic or epidemic, obstruction in traffic, shortage of raw materials, materials, fuel or labour, mobilization, war, restriction of import and export, and/or any government measures preventing or impeding the performance by Supplier of the Agreement. A Force Majeure of Supplier’s suppliers or sub-suppliers will be considered a Force Majeure of Supplier.
8.2 Customer shall have the right to dissolve the Agreement in case of Force Majeure of Supplier, if (i) Customer can demonstrate that timely performance is essential for it in its business operations, and (ii) the Force Majeure situation is not expected to end within 60 days.
8.2 Customer shall have the right to dissolve the Agreement in case of Force Majeure of Supplier, if (i) Customer can demonstrate that timely performance is essential for it in its business operations, and (ii) the Force Majeure situation is not expected to end within 60 days.
9 Intellectual property
9.1 All intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other proprietary rights subsisting in the Products and any samples and marketing materials as well as all technical, business or similar information (including all recipes, designs, documents and other materials relating to the Products and the marketing materials) shall be, and shall remain, the exclusive property of Supplier or its licensors and Customer shall hold no interest in respect of the same whatsoever.
9.2 In case the Products are manufactured according to drawings, models, samples, specifications or any other directions in the widest sense of the word, received from Customer, Customer shall defend and indemnify Supplier against any third-party claims (i) based on the actual or alleged infringement of any intellectual property rights or any other right of third parties, by manufacturing and/or supplying of such Products and (ii) based on product liability. If any third-party objects to the manufacturing and/or supply of the Products referred to on the grounds of any alleged right, Supplier shall unconditionally be entitled to immediately cease the manufacturing and/or supply and to demand compensation for the expenses incurred, without prejudice to any claims for possible damages against Customer and without Supplier being liable towards Customer on any account whatsoever.
10 Personal data
10.1 Personal data and information collected from Customer or its employees (hereinafter the “Personal Data”) is subject to processing carried out by Supplier. The Personal Data is saved in Supplier’s customer files and is essential to the processing of Customer’s orders. Personal Data is also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. Personal data will be kept as long as necessary for the execution of the Agreement and any applicable warranties.
10.2 The data controller is Supplier. Access to Personal Data will be strictly limited to the employees of the Supplier, who are authorised to process them because of their duties. The Personal Data may be communicated to third parties linked to Supplier by contract for the performance of outsourced tasks, without the authorization of Customer or its employees being necessary.
10.3 In the performance of their services, third parties have only limited access to the Personal Data and are obliged to use them in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data. Apart from the above cases, Supplier shall not sell, rent, assign or give access to the Personal Data to third parties without the prior consent of Customer, unless it is compelled to do so on legitimate grounds.
10.4 If the Personal Data are to be transferred outside the European union, Customer will be informed and the measures taken in order to secure the data (for example, membership of the external service provider in the "Privacy Shield", adoption of standard protection clauses validated by the CNIL, adoption of a code of conduct, obtaining a CNIL certification, etc.) will be specified.
10.5 In accordance with the applicable regulations, Customer and its employees have a right of access, rectification, erasure and portability of their Personal Data, as well as the right to object to the processing.
11 Confidentiality
Customer acknowledges that during the negotiation and execution of the Agreement, it may be exposed to confidential or proprietary information belonging to Supplier. This may include, but is not limited to, data pertaining to Supplier's business operations, financial details, pricing, payment terms, products, production or processing methods, innovations, trade secrets, expertise, recipes, formulations, personnel, clients, potential clients, and suppliers, irrespective of whether it is explicitly labelled as "confidential information". Customer agrees to take the required measures to hold all such confidential information in strict confidence, using it solely to fulfil its obligations as outlined in the Agreement with Supplier, and not to disclose it to any third party unless required pursuant to mandatory, applicable law, in which case Customer shall notify Supplier prior to the disclosure of such confidential information. Upon the Agreement's termination, Customer is prohibited from any further use of this confidential information.
12 Miscellaneous
12.1 All Agreements shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective affiliates and successors. Customer may not assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under the Agreement without the prior written consent of Supplier.
12.2 The invalidity or unenforceability of any term of the Agreement shall not adversely affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and rights. The invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be replaced by relevant valid and enforceable provisions that economically best reflect the contents and meaning of such invalid or unenforceable provisions and the intention of the Parties. In the event of any discrepancy between the French and English versions of these Conditions, the English text shall prevail.
12.3 Customer agrees during the term of an Agreement with Supplier and for twelve (12) months after the end of such Agreement, that it shall not, directly and/or indirectly, solicit or induce or attempt to solicit or induce any of Supplier’s suppliers to terminate such supplier’s relationship with Supplier, nor shall Customer interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to interfere with or disrupt) any such relationship.
12.4 Customer shall act, and shall ensure that its officers, directors, representatives, agents, and employees act in compliance with all corruption and anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, export control and economic sanctions laws and regulations in any jurisdictions in which it operates.
12.5 The right of withdrawal between professionals only applies when and if:
12.5.1 The Agreement is concluded outside the establishment;
12.5.2 The object of the contract does not fall within the core business of Customer; and
12.5.3 Customer has no more than five employees.
If these three conditions are cumulatively met, Customer has a right of withdrawal of 14 days in the conditions stated by Law. In any other cases, Customer shall not benefit from any right of withdrawal.
13 Law and forum choice
13.1 French law shall apply to the offers, quotations, deliveries, these Conditions and any Agreements and the execution thereof. Applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is excluded.13.2 Any dispute arising in connection with the Agreement shall be finally and exclusively settled by arbitration in Paris, France, under the rules and procedures of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
A college of one (1), or at Supplier’s choice, three (3) arbitrators shall be appointed according to the rules and procedures of the ICC. The language of the arbitration shall be French or English. The arbitration shall by in lieu of any other remedy and the award shall be final, binding and enforceable by any court having jurisdiction for that purpose. No award or procedural order made in the arbitration shall be published.