Our trend studio: inspire, anticipate and imagine


Our cosmetics specialists will accompany you throughout your projects, from inspiration to creation. We decipher the new consumer trends that are transforming beauty. A source of inspiration and innovation to bring your ideas to life and rethink the cosmetics of tomorrow.


In this section, we are pleased to share with you our selection and we remain at your disposal for any further information!


Focus on
our cosmetic raw materials

beurre karite Unipex smart distributeur ingrédients spécialité cosmétique tendances aak

AAK, 100% traceable shea butter

Discover the SUSTAINABLE & RESPONSIBLE programme in video
Unipex smart distributeur ingrédients spécialité cosmétique tendances solide collection hygiène

Cosmétique Solide - Collection Hygiène

A new generation of textures to reduce your water consumption and waste production

Du nouveau du côté de Scutaline...

You are looking to formulate products with the cleanest, most expert and effective compositions possible.

Tutorials & videos

Video Unipex smart distributeur ingrédients spécialité cosmétique tendances cosmétique solide
Regarder la vidéo

How to clean your skin gently with natural ingredients?

Discover our foaming exfoliating powder for a gentle cleansing, without sulphates or preservatives.
Unipex smart distributeur ingrédients spécialité cosmétique tendances video sisterna
Regarder la vidéo

How can you give more texture to your anhydrous formulas?

Discover our first formulation tutorial and the solution we offer you thanks to our partner Sisterna to give more texture to your anhydrous formulas.
miroir fleur tendances cosmétique unipex smart distributeur ingrédients spécialité

Inspirations & Trends

We can make your ideas even better!

We decipher for you the major trends in order to anticipate today the demands of tomorrow! Discover our ever more innovative concepts... Their role? your creative projects.


Clean beauty, la beauté vegan, le selfcare, la blue beauty ou encore healthy beauty… explorez les dernières tendances beauté dans un guide complet !



The Blue Beauty

This trend supports the preservation of the seas and oceans by promoting the use of more environmentally friendly and eco-designed products.
Unipex smart distributeur spécialité cosmétique tendance cosmétique solide

Solid Cosmetics

Using ingredients, packaging and manufacturing processes that contribute positively to the planet is zero waste!
Unipex smart distributeur spécialité cosmétique tendance clean beauty

Clean Beauty

Consuming better, respecting the environment, without harmful products... This is the lifestyle that many have already adopted in recent years.
Unipex smart distributeur spécialité cosmétique tendance court circuit local

The Local, Short Circuit

Today, nearly half of consumers want to be closer to their "local community" which translates into a short circuit.
Unipex smart distributeur spécialité cosmétique tendance beauté vegan beauty

Vegan Beauty

In recent times, dozens of brands have obtained Vegan, Cruelty Free certifications... becoming more and more common in the industry.
Unipex smart distributeur spécialité cosmétique tendance super ingrédients

Super Ingredients

Inspired by Super Food, brands are capitalizing on this trend that talks about the benefits of ingredients as food for the skin.


When we think of Scandinavian countries, we think of a certain art of living that favours well-being, such as "hygge".

Ageing well

Change of CAP: the focus shifts from aging to longevity, emotional and mental health.
Unipex smart distributeur spécialité cosmétique tendance healthy beauty pipette

Healthy Beauty

Safe, ecobiology, biomimicry, high tolerance, affinity, balance, protection... So many terms that resonate with health and well-being!
Unipex smart distributeur spécialité cosmétique tendance microbiome femme

The Microbiome

On the surface of our skin lives an entire ecosystem, a community of 100 billion microorganisms, or 1,000 species.